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2008/02/10 shralp91

<P>//91// Air &amp; Style / The Tarte Show / Design Competition / In Short</P>
<P>Summary<BR>Air &amp; Style Quarter Pipe / February 2nd, 2008 / Innsbruck Austria<BR>The Tarte Show / hosted by Marc André Tarte<BR>Das Rail, presented by ispo / January 28th, 2008 / Munich, Germany<BR>Suzuki Freeride Design Competition / Win a car<BR>DVD Teaser / In Short<BR>Shralp Network / shralp.ning.com<BR>Read the transcript or the rest of this entry</P>
<P><BR>&nbsp;</P><EMBED align=middle src=http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMjk1ODg3Njg=/v.swf width=480 height=400 type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" quality="high"></EMBED>

