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2007/06/21 shralp71

<P>//71// Optimistic / Fear and Loathing in defRaggn / Camp of Champions</P>
<P>Summary<BR>Check out Absinthe Film’s upcoming film Optimistic. Music: The Raconteurs, Broken Boy Soldier //</P>
<P>A weird Poker and Railslide Contest “Fear and Loathing in defRaggn” on April 6-7, 2007.<BR>April 4th: Poker contest with 101 participants, 5 into the “final”<BR>April 5th: Railbattle with 20 contesters, jam session with 2 heats of 10 people. Each heat 20 minutes. Then cut to 10. Again 20 minutes jam session. cut to 4. Then best 16 battle for best trick equals 5th place. Then the final in head to head format: 2 runs on every rail.<BR>Best 5 snowboarders then had to poker against the 5 poker finalist. Price-money: 4k Euros.<BR>Ranking: Fips Gruber, Wolle Bear, Alex Bergmann, Chriss Cap.<BR>Best Trick: Herbi Thaler. //</P>
<P>The Camp of Champions starts this weekend. //</P>
<P>shralp! has a new website!</P>
<P><BR>&nbsp;</P><EMBED align=middle src=http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMjkyOTU3ODQ=/v.swf width=480 height=400 type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" quality="high"></EMBED>

