<P>//72// Walk The Planks / Roxy Video Podcast / 360°</P>
<P>Summary<BR>DVD-Teaser: Walk The Plank by Pirates<BR>Music by i-shine //<BR>Video Podcast: Roxy //<BR>Video Contest Winner 1: The 360° by Rusk Snow Crew, Styria, Austria | Music: Dilo, Stranger (music.podshow.com). Riders (in order of apparence): Wurschtl, Melle, Mac, Tom, Heinzi. Speakers (in order of apparence): Wurschtl, Mac, Tom. //<BR>Read the transcript or the rest of this entry</P>
<P><BR> </P><EMBED align=middle src=http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMjkyOTc5OTY=/v.swf width=480 height=400 type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" quality="high"></EMBED>