<P>//41// New Zealand Open 。 Park Opening Hintertux 。 Amateur Video</P>
<P>Summary<BR>New Zealand Open 2006<BR>Snowpark, NZ, August 3-5 2006<BR>Music: Rory, Track: Peace, War and Happiness, music.podshow.com</P>
<P>Slopestyle:<BR>1 Kevin Pearce, USA<BR>2 Scott Lago, USA<BR>3 Mikkel Bang, NOR</P>
<P>Halfipe:<BR>1 Kelly Clark USA<BR>1 Mason Aguirre, USA<BR>2 Louie Vito, USA<BR>3 Danny Davis, USA</P>
<P>Park Opening<BR>Hintertux, Austria, October 6-8 2006</P>
<P>Music: Backslider, Track: Interlude To Love, music.podshow.com</P>
<P>Amateur Video<BR>Luke Hayes, Ontario, Canada</P>
<P>Read the transcript or the rest of this entry</P>
<P><BR> </P><EMBED align=middle src=http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMjkyMjA2ODA=/v.swf width=480 height=400 type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" quality="high"></EMBED>