美国买回来的RED Hi-Fi Audex Subwoofer Snowboard Helonets
Ultra Lightweight In-Molded Polycarbonate Shell 超轻量级的模压聚碳酸酯外壳
- Vent Mesh -通风网格
- Removable Goggle Glasket -可移动的眼罩G lasket
- Quick Clip Ear Pads -快速剪辑耳垫
- Audex Ear Pad Accessory Compatible -A udex耳垫配件兼容
- Zip Clip Ratcheting Chin Buckle -邮编剪辑棘轮下巴扣
- ASTM 2040 / CE 1077 Certified -美国A STM2 040/ C E认证1 077认证
Incredibly lightweight and low-profile without sacrificing an ounce of protection. 令人难以置信的重量轻,低轮廓不牺牲一盎司的保护。 It comes equipped with an ipod/mp3 player adapter and speaker earmuffs for unlimited music play. 它配备了ipod/mp3播放器适配器和扬声器耳罩无限音乐播放。